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May 11, 2021

Suggestion for Improving availability & Distribution of Oxygen in Country

Suggestion for Improving availability & Distribution of Oxygen in Country

Copy of Letter of to Shri Rajiv Gauba from Confederation of All India Traders

Dear Shri Rajiv Gauba Ji,

At the outset, on behalf of 8 crore traders of the Country, we extend our compliments and felicitations to you for your inclusion as a member of National Task Force on Oxygen constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India with a mandate to improve availability of oxygen and creation of oxygen infrastructure in the Country. As one of the premier apex body of business community of the Country. we take liberty in suggesting below some of our suggestions related to oxygen crisis for your kind consideration:

In the wake of the current situation arising out of the Corona crisis in the Country, it has been noticed that availability of oxygen has become a crucial factor and will remain critical in view of the likely third wave of the Coronavirus in the Country which is likely to hid the children most Under such a scenario. the Confederation Of All India Traders (CAIT) on the basis Of the feedback received from traders and Other prominent persons of different streams across the Country. we are of the considered opinion that there should be an ‘Oxygen Policy in the Country having basic parameters for generation or procurement of Oxygen and its effective disbursal through out the Country. Further, we are submitting below few more suggestions for your kind consideration

a. It must be mandatory for the Hospitals to built their own oxygen plant within their premises coupled with Sufficient & secure place to keep stocks of Oxygen Cylinders.

b. Medium and small scale hospitals should pool in and set up their oxygen plants.

c. A National Oxygen Grid should be formed on the pattern of Electricity grids.

d. Railways should run Oxygen Express regularly to ensure timely delivery of oxygen throughout the country.

e. New plants for making oxygen cylinders should be approved on priority to avoid any shortage of cylinders in future.

f. The ‘Green Corridor should be open for oxygen cylinders at as times. so that provision should be made in the law.

g. It should be made mandatory to build a medical room according to their capacity in large housing societies, dubs, resorts, hotels, stadiums and markets, where necessary medical facilities like 1-2 beds, oxygen cylinders and ventilators must be made available.

h. National Institute of Designing (NID) and National Institute for Fashion Technology (NIFT) should be asked to design Inexpensive small ambulances which can easily an on narrow roads.

i. It should be mandatory to build an oxygen plant according to the capacity, big or small. in every small and big cities of the country.

j. Special pare medical earning programs should be launched across the Country to make people aware about providing basic medical assistance. This trained human resource will be much helpful at the time of any need or emergency.

k. Under adverse circumstances or emergencies, only people living in the neighborhood generally come to help at the first instance, and later for 3 months, 6 months 9 months and 12 months certificate and diploma courses related to the disciplines like nursing, ventilator operator, technician etc. should be designed by the medical agencies.

We are sure that if the above suggestion are taken as part of an oxygen policy, we will never face the oxygen onus in future. However, we assure you of support of trade associations all over the Country to extend best possible services in combating corona.

Thank You. With kind regards
Yours truly

Praveen Khandelwal
National Secretary General
Confederation of All India Traders

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