
Salaried & House Rent


An individual who is a resident of India has to file their income tax return if their gross salary is more than Rs 2,50,000/- for the period April to March before claiming any deduction in India.

Our plan covers your salary, interest, and rental income. Once you pay, our Tax Expert will connect you

Product Description

A resident individual is required to file their income tax return if their gross salary is more than Rs 2,50,000/- for the period April to March before claiming any deduction in India. Calculating tax on salary has become more complex after 2020, as individuals now have the option to choose between tax rates with or without deductions.

We at Faceless Compliance make sure that you have a dedicated Tax Manager. To get started, all you need to do is upload your Form 16 and bank statements to the Dashboard.

Our virtual assistant will then prepare a computation for your approval, which will give you details of your income, losses, and refund. Your returns will be uploaded once you approve them, and you will be sent a confirmation. If you have any questions about taxes, our professional Tax Manager will be happy to help you. You can post your questions in your dashboard.

The cost of our professional services for filing one year’s Tax returns, which includes consultation, is Rs 1500/-. You can pay this amount online at from the above option. The plan includes income from salary, house property, interest income, withdrawal from a bank, etc.

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