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May 25, 2024

GST Department Splurges Rs 38 Lakh on Hotel Bill for Training Programme

by Admin in GST

GST Department Splurges Rs 38 Lakh on Hotel Bill for Training Programme

In a move that has stirred controversy and raised eyebrows, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Department of the state has allegedly flouted a directive from the Finance Department and splashed a whopping Rs 46.65 lakh on a six-day training programme for its officers. Shockingly, more than 80 per cent of this hefty sum has been allocated towards accommodation in luxury hotels, sparking outrage among taxpayers and officials alike.

The training programme, aimed at enhancing the skills of 210 officers within the Enforcement Wing of the GST Department, commenced on May 20th at a private engineering college in Kochi. However, what caught the attention of many was the extravagant expenditure incurred, particularly on accommodation.

A staggering Rs 38.10 lakh has been earmarked solely for lodging the officers, raising questions about the necessity and prudence of such expenditures, especially when government directives advocate fiscal restraint and judicious spending of public funds. In addition to the exorbitant accommodation expenses, Rs 4.15 lakh was allocated for booking the training hall, Rs 2 lakh for transportation, and Rs 2.30 lakh for the trainers, bringing the total expenditure to a staggering sum.

This lavish spending spree has come under intense scrutiny, particularly in light of a directive issued by the Finance Department in August 2023. The directive, articulated by Finance Principal Secretary Raveendran Kumar Agarwal, explicitly restricts government institutions from opting for five-star hotels for training programmes. Instead, it emphasizes the utilization of government facilities or other state-owned establishments for such purposes, provided they meet the requisite standards.

The apparent disregard for this directive by the GST Department raises serious questions about accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility within the state bureaucracy. Critics argue that at a time when the government is emphasizing austerity measures and prudent financial management, such extravagant expenditures not only reflect poorly on the department but also erode public trust in the system.

Furthermore, the ostentatious display of spending in luxury accommodations stands in stark contrast to the economic hardships faced by many taxpayers, particularly in the wake of the ongoing global pandemic. With businesses struggling to stay afloat and individuals grappling with financial uncertainties, the allocation of such substantial sums towards seemingly unnecessary expenses is seen as a blatant disregard for public sentiment and fiscal prudence.

Calls for accountability and a thorough investigation into the matter have grown louder, with demands for the responsible parties within the GST Department to be held to account. It remains to be seen how the authorities will respond to these allegations and what measures will be taken to ensure greater transparency and accountability in the expenditure of public funds in the future.

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