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May 20, 2024

Gujarat GST Officer Accused of Environmental Violations and 620 Acres of Illegal Land Acquisition in Maharashtra

by Admin in GST

Gujarat GST Officer Accused of Environmental Violations and 620 Acres of Illegal Land Acquisition in Maharashtra

Ahmedabad, Gujarat – A high-ranking Goods and Services Tax (GST) official from Gujarat is embroiled in a major controversy involving the purchase of an entire village in Maharashtra, coupled with serious environmental violations. Chandrakant Walvi, the Chief Commissioner of GST in Ahmedabad, has been accused of acquiring approximately 620 acres of land in the Kandati Valley, located in the Satara district of Maharashtra, in blatant disregard of several environmental protection laws.

Controversial Land Acquisition

Chandrakant Walvi, a native of Nandurbar, reportedly bought the land in Kandati Valley under questionable circumstances. According to allegations raised by RTI activist Sushant More, Walvi misled the villagers, claiming that their land would be acquired by the government for a project. This deceptive tactic facilitated the acquisition of the entire village, known as Jhadni, near the popular hill station of Mahabaleshwar.

More disclosed that Walvi’s acquisition of the land violated several critical laws, including the Environment Protection Act of 1986, the Forest Protection Act of 1976, and the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. These violations have potentially devastating consequences for local biodiversity, air and water quality, and the broader environment, contributing to issues such as climate change and habitat destruction.

Environmental Violations and Illegal Constructions

The allegations against Walvi do not stop at illegal land acquisition. Reports indicate that illegal constructions, including a sprawling resort on 40 acres, have been erected on the acquired land. Activities such as unapproved digging, deforestation, illegal road construction, and unauthorized power supply from forest areas have caused substantial environmental degradation. These actions have been ongoing for the past three years, yet surprisingly, no administrative department has detected these violations or taken corrective action.

History of Allegations

Chandrakant Walvi is no stranger to controversy. Prior to this incident, he faced several serious allegations during his tenure in Bhavnagar and Gandhinagar. These included accusations of issuing fake bills and manipulating tax credit figures, casting a shadow over his professional conduct and integrity.

Call for Investigation

Sushant More has called for a thorough investigation into Walvi’s land dealings, questioning the legality and ethicality of his actions. More stated that villagers were not compensated for their land, contrary to Walvi’s claims of government acquisition. The activist’s revelations have sparked widespread concern and outrage, prompting demands for accountability and justice.

Administrative Inaction

The inaction of the administrative departments in detecting and addressing these violations raises significant questions about governance and oversight. The scale of illegal activities reported suggests a need for a comprehensive review of the mechanisms in place to protect natural resources and ensure lawful conduct by public officials.


The accusations against Chandrakant Walvi underscore the critical need for stringent enforcement of environmental and land acquisition laws. The potential environmental impact and the ethical implications of such actions by a high-ranking official highlight systemic issues that require immediate attention and resolution. As investigations proceed, the case of Chandrakant Walvi serves as a stark reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and environmental stewardship in public administration.

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