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March 16, 2021

Maharashtra Govt put fresh restrictions on Religious activities, malls, office allowed with 50% capacity

Maharashtra Govt put fresh restrictions on Religious activities, malls, office allowed with 50% capacity

New Guidelines of Maharashtra Government

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and the powers, conferred under The Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee, hereby issues directions that

a. All Cinema Halls (Single Screens and Multiplexes)/ hotels/ restaurants to operate on 50% capacity with following restrictions:

  1. No entry will be allowed without proper wearing of Masks.
  2. Temperature measuring devices to be used to ensure no one with fever gets an entry.
  3. Adequate hand sanitizers to be kept at various convenient locations.
  4. Concerned establishments to ensure presence of enough manpower to enforce wearing of masks as well as maintaining social distances by all visitors all the times.

In case of violation of this order, concerned cinema hail/ hotels/ restaurants shall have to remain closed for a period until the COVID 19 pandemic stays notified as a Disaster by the Central Government. Violation shall also attract penalties under the disaster act for the owner of premises.

b. All Shopping Malls to adhere to following restrictions:

  1. No entry will be allowed without proper wearing of Masks.
  2. Temperature measuring devices to be used to ensure no one with fever gets an entry.
  3. Adequate hand sanitizers to be kept at various convenient locations.
  4. Concerned establishments to ensure presence of enough manpower to enforce wearing of masks as well as maintaining social distances by all visitors all the times.
  5. Mail management to ensure that theatres/ restaurants or any other establishments in the mall adhere to restrictions imposed herein or before and in operation now.

In case of violation, the violating mall will remain closed or a period until the COVID 19 pandemic stays notified as a Disaster by the Central Government. Violation shall also attract penalties under the disaster act for the owner of premises.

c. No Social/ Cultural/ Political/ Religious gatherings to be allowed. Violation shall also attract penalties under the disaster act for the owner of premises. The property shall also have to remain closed till the period until the COVID 19 pandemic stays notified as a Disaster by the Central Government.

d. Not more than 50 people will be allowed to be present only for the purpose of weddings. Violation shalt also attract penalties under the disaster act for the owner of premises. The property shall also have to remain closed tilt the period until the COV1D 19 pandemic stays notified as a Disaster by the Central Government.

e. Not more than 20 people will be allowed to be present for the purposes of performance of last rites. It will be the duty of the local authorities to ensure the same.

f. Home isolation to be allowed with following restrictions:

  1. Information to this extent shall be given to the local authorities along with information of the medical professional under whose supervision the isolation will be adhered to.
  2. A board is to be put up on the door or conspicuous location for 14 days since the beginning indicating the presence of a COVID 19 patient at the said location.
  3. Home quarantine stamp to be affixed on the positive patient.
  4. It is advised that members of the family also restrict their movements outside to the extent possible, and never without Mask.
  5. Any violation to isolation shall lead to immediate movement to Covid Care Center designated by local authority.

g. All offices except related to health and other essential services shall work with 50% of attendance. Work from home is advised. Any office found to be violating shall be closed for a period until the COVID 19 pandemic stays notified as a Disaster by the Central Government. Management trusts of all religious places to decide and declare the maximum number of visitors per hour depending upon the availability of space for movement and gathering with proper social distancing. It is advised that convenient systems like online reservations for visits may be initiated. Entry to these places shall be subject to following restrictions.

  1. No entry will be allowed without proper wearing of Masks.
  2. Temperature measuring devices to be used to ensure no one with fever gets an entry.
  3. Adequate hand sans tiers to be kept at various convenient locations.
  4. Concerned establishments to ensure presence of enough manpower to enforce wearing of masks as well as maintaining social distances by all visitors all the times.

The above measures will remain in force till 31st March, 2021 for containment of COVID- 19 epidemic in the State and all Departments of Government of Maharashtra shall strictly implement these guidelines. All earlier orders shall be aligned with this order and shall remain in force up to 31st March, 2021.



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