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  • facelesscompliance@gmail.com
June 30, 2020

PM Acknowledges Honest Taxpayers, Thank them for paying taxes which is helping poor in COVID19

by facelesscompliance in Income Tax

In comparison to other countries, India’s mortality rate is lower and India is in a stable condition.  

With Unlock 1.0, a lot carelessness is being observed in people’s behaviour. And this is coming at a time when we need to be more alert. This is a dangerous trend. 

People had followed rules properly during the lockdown period. They need to continue to follow those rules even now. Be it the pradhan of a village or the prime minister of the country, no one is above the law. 

The government had made sure that no poor sleeps on an empty stomach during the lockdown. That is why we had come up with the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana. 

Funds have been transferred to 9 crore farmers for procurement of grains for the Garib Kalyan Yojana. The government has provided free food grains – 5 kilos wheat/rice — to the poor. 

My announcement is related to this. The onset of Monsoon is our country is accompanied with a lot of festivities, which leads to more expenses.  

Hence 80 crore people will be given free food grains till November end under PM Garib Kalyan Yojana. 

This scheme is going to cost the government more than Rs 90,000 crore. 

The government is also mulling over ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme. This will benefit the poor immensely. 

The success of the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana goes to India’s farmer and the taxpayer. Without them, the scheme to feed the poor would not have scaled such heights. 

We will continue our fight against coronavirus crisis – we will follow guidelines and ensure precaution to contribute to the reopening of the economy. We will work towards becoming Atmanirbhar or self-reliant, we will be vocal for local. We will maintain do-gaz-zoori and will not be negligent. With this, I take your leave. 

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