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February 27, 2024

Navigating the Impact: IGST on Imported Goods Before and After GST Implementation

Navigating the Impact: IGST on Imported Goods Before and After GST Implementation

Impact of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) on Imported Goods: A Simplified Overview


  • Before the Goods and Services Tax (GST), India’s taxation system for imported goods was complicated, involving various indirect taxes like customs duty, central excise duty, and service tax.
  • GST aimed to simplify this system, reduce cascading effects, and create a unified market.

Impact on Imported Goods:

  1. Pre-GST Era:
    • Imported goods were subject to basic customs duty, additional customs duty (countervailing duty), and special additional duty, resulting in a high tax burden.
    • Businesses couldn’t offset taxes paid on imports against their output tax liability, increasing costs.
  2. Post-GST Changes:
    • Introduction of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) streamlined taxation for imported goods.
    • IGST replaced multiple taxes, eliminating cascading effects.
    • Importers now pay IGST on the value of imported goods, which includes assessable value and basic customs duty, but not on customs duty itself.
  3. Availability of Input Tax Credit (ITC):
    • A significant benefit of GST is the availability of ITC.
    • Importers can claim ITC on IGST paid on imported goods, reducing their output tax liability.
    • This has made imported goods more competitive in the domestic market.


  • The introduction of IGST under GST has simplified the tax structure, reduced the tax burden, and enhanced the competitiveness of imported goods.
  • Challenges like streamlining export refunds and addressing classification issues persist.
  • Nonetheless, GST has significantly improved the taxation of imported goods in India, leading to a more efficient and streamlined indirect tax regime.

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