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January 12, 2024

ITR-U: A Comprehensive Guide to Updated Income Tax Returns

by Admin in Income Tax

In recent years, the Indian government has taken significant strides in simplifying and streamlining the income tax filing process for individuals. One such crucial development is the introduction of the Updated Income Tax Return, commonly known as ITR-U. This provision, outlined in Section 139(8A) of the Income Tax Act, empowers taxpayers to rectify errors or omissions in their income tax filings within a specified timeframe.

Understanding ITR-U:

ITR-U, or Updated Income Tax Return, is a unique form designed to provide taxpayers with a second chance to correct mistakes in their original returns. This provision allows individuals to submit an updated return within two years from the end of the relevant assessment year. For example, if you filed an ITR for the assessment year 2023-24, the deadline for filing ITR-U would be 31st March 2026.

Eligibility Criteria:

Any individual or entity who has made errors or omissions in the following returns is eligible to file ITR-U:

Original return of income

Belated return

Revised return

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Scenarios for Filing ITR-U:

Taxpayers can file ITR-U in various situations, including:

Non-filing or Missed Deadlines: If you failed to file the original return or missed both the initial and belated return deadlines, ITR-U provides an avenue for updating your tax return.

Incorrect Income Declaration: In cases where income was not declared correctly in the original return, ITR-U allows for corrections.

Head of Income Selection: If you chose the wrong head of income in your initial filing, ITR-U enables you to rectify this error.

Incorrect Tax Rate Application: ITR-U can be used to address situations where tax was paid at the wrong rate.

Utilizing Losses and Credits: Taxpayers can file an updated return to reduce carried forward losses, unabsorbed depreciation, or to optimize tax credits.

Tax Liability Adjustment: If your initial return resulted in higher tax liability than necessary, ITR-U provides an opportunity to reduce it.

Exclusions from ITR-U:

Certain situations restrict the filing of ITR-U, including:

If an updated return has already been filed.

Filing nil return or loss return.

Claiming/enhancing the refund amount.

If the updated return results in lower tax liability.

During search proceedings or survey conducted by the Income Tax authorities.

When assessment/reassessment/revision/re-computation is pending or completed.

Time Limit for Filing ITR-U:

Taxpayers have a 24-month window from the end of the relevant assessment year to file ITR-U. For instance, the return for the financial year 2022-23 (assessment year 2023-24) can be updated until 31st March 2026.


ITR-U stands as a valuable tool in the hands of taxpayers, offering them a chance to rectify inadvertent errors and optimize their income tax returns. By providing a clear understanding of the eligibility criteria, scenarios for filing, and exclusions, this provision aims to enhance tax compliance without exposing individuals to legal repercussions. As taxpayers navigate the intricacies of income tax filings, ITR-U emerges as a pivotal instrument for ensuring accuracy and completeness in reporting income.

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