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November 12, 2021

How to Correct or Modify or Deny Wrong information in Annual Information Statement in Income Tax

by facelesscompliance in Income Tax

How to Correct or Modify or Deny Wrong information in Annual Information Statement in Income Tax

The new Form 26 AS is an Annual Information Statement or AIS which will provide a complete profile of the taxpayer for a particular financial year. To promote transparency and simplifying the tax return filing process, CBDT has amended Form 26 AS (vide Notification dated May 28 2020). New information sources, not available in the current Form 26AS, have been added in AIS. Taxpayer can provide feedback on information displayed in AIS, further can also deny or approve the correctness of the information captured from third party

The Agency providing information to Income Tax Department can be Banks, Financial Institutions, Registrar of Properties, etc. Many times information provided by them can be incorrect or wrong. In all such cases AIS needs to be corrected before filing your tax returns so that you do not receive notices or intimation for mis match from Income Tax Department. Click here to know Why checking AIS is Compulsory Before Filing your Income Tax Returns

Currently the Income Tax Department Tracks 50 different Information, Click here to know Taxpayers 50 Transactions will be reported in New Annual Information Statement (AIS)

AIS and TIS Overview

Annual Information Statement is comprehensive view of information for a taxpayer displayed in Form 26 AS. Taxpayer can provide feedback on information displayed in AIS

Taxpayer Information Summary is an information category wise information summary for a taxpayer. The same is updated based on the feedback provided by taxpayer in AIS

Steps and Process to Correct or Modify or Deny Wrong information in Annual Information Statement in Income Tax

Step 1

Login to e filing portal by visit Income Tax e filing portal at http://www.incometax.gov.in

Click on Login button and If the user is not already registered, then user can register button

Enter user ID ( Aadhaar/ Other User ID) on the login page of and continue

Step 2

Enter password for e filing account and confirm secure access message and Click Continue

On successful login, e filing portal home page will be displayed. To access AIS Click the “Annual Information
Statement ( under Services tab) Click Proceed on the redirect to AIS Homepage message

On successful redirection, AIS homepage on Compliance Portal will be displayed. AIS Instructions will be the default
landing page, providing key instructions for AIS functionality

Under AIS Tab, Taxpayer Information Summary and Annual Information Statement tiles will be displayed. Annual Information Statement is comprehensive view of information for a taxpayer displayed in Form 26 AS. Taxpayer Information Summary is an information category wise information summary for a taxpayer. Click AIS or TIS to access relevant functionality

Step 3

How do I submit feedback on the information?

Answer: You can submit feedback on active information displayed under TDS/TCS Information, SFT Information or Other information by following below mentioned steps:

Click on “Optional” button mentioned in the Feedback column for relevant information. You will be directed to ‘Add Feedback’ screen.

Choose the relevant feedback option and enter the feedback details (dependent on feedback option).

Click “Submit” to submit the feedback

Step 4

What are the Feedback options available for submission of response against each Information detail?

Answer:  The feedback options will be displayed on each Information detail. You will be able to select only one of the available options for submitting feedback. Feedback options are as follows:

Option A: Information is correct

If the information belongs to you and all the attributes of the Information are correct.

Option B: Information is not fully correct

If the information belongs to you, but all the attributes of the Information are not correct. Upon selecting this option, relevant information fields will be displayed, and you will be able to update correct information details. e.g.- Account number, Information value, etc.

Option C: The Information relates to other PAN/year

If you are aware of the Information, but it belongs to other person or other year e.g. joint ownership of property or receiving of mentioned amount in another year.

Option D: Information is duplicate/included in other information

If the information displayed is already included in another information or it is a duplicate information.

Option E: Information is denied

If you are unaware of this information/transaction and want to deny that the said information pertains to you.

Option F: Customised feedback

The feedback option will be displayed based on the information category.

Some FAQ on Feedback

How do I submit response in Bulk?

Answer: To submit feedback in bulk the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Select the bulk feedback option available beside the filter option on the portal. Step 2: Select multiple transaction for which the feedback is to be provided

Step 2: Choose the feedback Step 3: Submit response in bulk

Please note that only the following feedback options are available for submitting the response in bulk:

  • Information is correct
  • Information relates to other PAN/year
  • Information is duplicate/ included in other information
  • Information is denied
  • Customised feedback option as per information category

What will happen once I submit the feedback?

Answer: Upon successful submission of feedback on AIS information, the feedback will be displayed with the information and the modified value of the information will also be visible with the reported value. The activity history tab will also be updated, and you will be able to download Acknowledgement Receipt. Email and SMS confirmations for submission of feedback will also be sent.

What is Modified Value?

Answer: Modified Value refers to value which has been modified by you through submission of feedback. The reported value and value modified after feedback will be shown separately in the Annual Information Statement (AIS).

Where can I view feedback submitted by me for a transaction?

Answer: If feedback has been submitted on a transaction, you can view the feedback history by clicking on the already submitted feedback. The Feedback History page will show all the feedback which have been submitted.

Is there any limit on number of persons that can be added, when feedback type is

‘Information relates to Other PAN/ Year’?

Answer: Yes, the portal will allow you to add a maximum of 50 rows for feedback type ‘Information relates to other PAN/ Year’. However, if you want to add persons beyond the limit, you may use AIS Utility (to be released soon) and provide feedback.

What all information will be shown as modified after I give feedback on an information?

Answer: You can provide feedback on the information to update the reported value. The valued updated through feedback i.e. modified value, will be displayed with the reported value in brackets (in information view and also in aggregated source wise view).

You can also update the other attributes of information through feedback option – Information is not fully correct. However, any such update (apart from update in reported value) will be visible in the feedback history of such information.

How can I modify the AIS feedback?

Answer: Once you have submitted the feedback but want to modify it on any active information displayed under TDS/TCS Information, SFT Information or Other information, you can do it by following below mentioned steps:

Step 1: Navigate to AIS details and view information source-wise aggregated details.

Step 2: Expand specific L2 level information to view information/ transactions details and click on the information where the feedback was already provided and needs modification.

Step 3: You will be directed to the Feedback History screen that will show the already submitted feedback. Click on the “Modify Feedback” button.

Step 4: Select the reason for modification along with remarks as per the requirement.

Step 5: Select the feedback option and click “Submit” button.

You can navigate to “Activity History” to download the Feedback Acknowledgement Receipt.

How does the modification of feedback affect the value on AIS and where can I see my modified feedback?

Answer: The modified feedback will be marked as “Active” when you will view the Feedback History of the transaction after modifying your feedback. The effect of the same will be provided on AIS at both, the information source-wise aggregated details and in the information/ transaction details. The result of modifying the feedback will also be updated in TIS.

Is there any limit on the number of times I can modify a given feedback?

Answer: Currently there is no limit on the number of times you can modify a previously given feedback, but you need to provide the correct reason and proper remarks for the same as they may be taken up for review and approval before giving effect to modification.

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