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Employees cannot seek enforcement of normal employment terms when the country is going through abnormal times

Employees cannot seek enforcement of normal employment terms when the country is going through abnormal times

Employees cannot seek enforcement of normal employment terms when the country is going through abnormal times

Employees cannot seek enforcement of normal employment terms when the country is going through abnormal times

The High Court of Delhi on 22.06.2020 dismissed the plea of All India Association of Air Force Civil Cooks enforcing that the plea appeared as been filed without regard to the prevalent circumstances and the large scale loss of employment and resultant hardships being faced by those without assurance of employment. Employees cannot seek enforcement of normal employment terms when the country is going through abnormal times. The petition was heard by Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw  and Justice Asha Menon.

Reason for grievance

Opinion of the High Court pertaining to roster of 14+14+7 days

Opinion of the High Court pertaining petition of being treated as Corona Warriors

Another grievance presented was that the members of the petitioner, while being made to reside at the Air Force Stations, are charged for their meals. Delhi HC asked the counsel for the respondents, whether a better arrangement can be worked out or whether the charges for the meals can be dispensed.

The Delhi HC We did not find any merit in the petition by the All India Association of Air Force Civil Cooks and it was accordingly disposed off. The respondents were requested to hold consultations with the representatives of the members of the petitioner and to explore if any other arrangement, satisfactory to the members of the petitioner, can be worked out.

However merely because this direction has been issued, it would not confer any right on the petitioner or its members.

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