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How to submit reply for Income Tax E-Campaign on Compliance Portal for Non Filing Tax Return and High Value Transactions?

How to submit reply for Income Tax E-Campaign on Compliance Portal for Non Filing Tax Return and High Value Transactions?

Recently the CBIC and CBDT has signed MoU for exchange of information on a real time basis. After this the GST portal is linked with Income tax portal. The assesse who has not filed the income tax return or GST return will be able to see there GSTR2A purchases on the income tax portal. Further TDS and other High Value Transactions information is available with Income Tax Department.

Taxpayers have Started receiving following SMS and Email

Attention (XXXXX8000X), the Income Tax Department has identified high value information which does not appear to be in line with the Income Tax Return filed for Assessment Year 2019-20 (relating to FY 2018-19). Please submit online response under e-Campaign tab on Compliance Portal (CP). Access CP by logging into e-filing portal (My Account) – ITD

We appreciate that you have filed your Income Tax Return and contributed towards the progress of Nation. However, the Income Tax Department has received information on high value transactions relating to XXXXXxxxx  for Financial Year 2018-19. On the basis of data analysis, the Income Tax Department has identified following high value information which does not appear to be in line with the Income Tax Return filed for Assessment Year 2019-20 (relating to FY 2018-19):

Receipts from sale of securities  Receipts from sale of securities Receipts from sale/transfer of securities (Off-market transaction)

In this article we will learn how to submit reply on the income e filing compliance portal for assesse who has not filed the return and if filed and has High Value Transactions

Procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal

Below is the procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal:

Step 1: Go to and login to the portal using efiling USER ID and password

Step 2: Now under Compliance tab, Select “Compliance portal” option and click on Confirm button.

It will redirect to compliance portal.

Step 3: Now Go to E- Campaign tab a notification will come under Non- filing of return.

Click on respective Financial Year under the “e-Campaign, Response on filing of Income Tax Return” as shown above, to submit the response relating to filing of Income Tax Return. The response about filing of return can be submitted under the Response column, the drop-down list provides the following options:

• ITR has been filed

• ITR has not been filed

Where the taxpayer selects ‘ITR has been filed’, Taxpayer need to provide the following information:

o Mode of filing (paper or e-filed)

o Date of filing

o Acknowledgement Number

o Circle/Ward and City (only if mode of filing is paper filed)

Enter your email address:

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For the ‘ITR has been filed’ response, ITD will verify whether Return has been filed or not. If any discrepancy is found, the taxpayer will receive a notification for providing correct acknowledgement number.

If the taxpayer chooses the option ‘ITR has not been filed’, then the next step is to provide one of the following reasons, using the drop-down list:

o Return under preparation: If the return of the taxpayer is under preparation and could not be filed so far because of any reason, the taxpayer should select this option and then click Submit.

o Not liable to file return of income: When the taxpayer claims that he is not liable to file return of income, this option should be selected by clicking Submit button.

After submitting the response on filing of Income Tax Return, taxpayer needs to click on ‘Back’ button. This navigates the taxpayer to e-Campaign – Non-filing of Return screen. To complete the response, taxpayer needs to submit feedback against information by clicking ‘Information Confirmation’.

Step 4: Process of Information confirmation:

Taxpayer needs to click on Financial Year under e-Campaign Information Confirmation. The advisory message displays as provided in screen below. On clicking “OK” button taxpayer can view information Summary.

Upon clicking OK button in above screen, the Information summary screen displays having aggregated summary of all information. These information are available for submission of Response. To View details of the information, taxpayer needs to click on “>” button to view information detail.

Upon clicking the “>” button, Taxpayer gets navigated to Information details. Taxpayer can submit the information in bulk on individual.

To submit the information in bulk Taxpayer needs to select multiple transactions at a time and also, he can select only two feedback options to submit the response in bulk: –

• Information is correct and

• Information is denied

To submit the Feedback on each transaction one by one user needs to follow below procedure: – Taxpayer needs to click on “>” button to view the feedback options.

 The feedback options are displayed on each Information detail. Taxpayer can select only one of the available options for submitting feedback.

A. Information is correct.

B. Information is not fully correct.

C. Information relates to other person/year.

D. Information is duplicate/included in other displayed information.

E. Information is Denied.

The taxpayer may submit his feedback by clicking on any of the above aforesaid 5 options. The taxpayer can view the rationale of feedback option by clicking the “i” option on the screen as shown below:

Step 5: Confirmation and Submission

Option A: Information is correct: Upon selecting this option, confirmation message displays. After clicking on OK button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. Taxpayer can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.

2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

 Upon clicking “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.  

Option B: Information is not fully correct

The Taxpayer can select this option in case the Information belongs to the Taxpayer, but all the attributes of the Information are not correct. While choosing this option Taxpayer is expected to provide correct information as per his records.

After submitting the above response, taxpayer can view the submitted response. He can perform below mentioned activities on this screen:

1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.

2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option C: The Information relates to other person/year

The Taxpayer can select this option in case the Taxpayer is aware of the Information, but it does not belong to him completely e.g. such instances may arise due to joint ownership of property or joint holding of accounts or other assets. While choosing this option Taxpayer is expected to provide correct and complete information of other person(s) to whom the Information pertains (i.e. PAN, relationship, FY etc).

After clicking on submit button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. He can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.

2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option E: Information is Denied

In case the Taxpayer is not aware of the Information displayed, Option E may be selected for submission of feedback response.

After clicking on Ok button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. Taxpayer can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.

2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Compliance Portal_e-Campaign_User Guide_V2.0

Procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal for Significant transactions:

Transactions reported to the Income Tax department during a financial year that are considered not in line with the profile of the taxpayer based on pre-defined rules are displayed to the taxpayer for feedback. These are displayed in the form of Information Summary.

Below is the procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal:

Step 1: Go to and login to the portal using efiling USER ID and password

Step 2: Now under Compliance tab, Select “Compliance portal” option and click on Confirm button.

It will redirect to compliance portal.

Step 3: Now Go to E- Campaign tab a notification will come under Non- filing of return.

Upon clicking e-Campaign on Compliance Portal landing page, below screen displays.

Taxpayer needs to click on Financial Year under Significant Transactions. The advisory message displays as provided in screen below. On clicking “OK” button, taxpayer can view information summary.

Upon clicking on “OK” button in above screen, the Information summary screen displays having aggregated summary of all information. The information is available for submission of response. To View details of the information, taxpayer needs to click on the “>” button to view information detail.

Step 3: Process of Information confirmation:

Upon clicking the “>” button, Taxpayer gets navigated to Information details. Taxpayer can submit the information in bulk on individual.

To submit the information in bulk Taxpayer needs to select multiple transactions at a time and also he can select only two feedback options to submit the response in bulk: –

• Information is correct and

• Information is denied

To submit the Feedback on each transaction one by one user needs to follow below procedure:

Taxpayer needs to click on “>” button to view the feedback options as visible in the screen below.

Note: – The feedback options are displayed on each Information detail. Taxpayer can select only one of the available options for submitting feedback.
A. Information is correct.
B. Information is not fully correct.
C. Information relates to other person/year.
D. Information is duplicate/included in other displayed information.
E. Information is denied.

The taxpayer may submit his feedback by clicking on any of the above aforesaid 5 options. The taxpayer can view the rationale of feedback option by clicking the “i” option on the screen as shown below.

Step 5: Confirmation of Response

Option A: Information is correct:

Upon selecting this option, a confirmation message displays. After clicking on “Ok” button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. Taxpayer can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

  1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.
  2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

Upon clicking “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option B: Information is not fully correct

The Taxpayer can select this option in case the Information belongs to the Taxpayer, but all the attributes of the Information are not correct. While choosing this option Taxpayer is expected to provide correct information as per his records.

After submitting the above response, taxpayer can view the submitted response. He can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

  1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.
  2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option C: The Information relates to other person/year

The Taxpayer can select this option in case the Taxpayer is aware of the Information, but it does not belong to him completely e.g. such instances may arise due to joint ownership of property or joint holding of accounts or other assets. While choosing this option Taxpayer is expected to provide correct and complete information of other person(s) to whom the Information pertains (i.e. PAN, relationship, FY etc).

After clicking on submit button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. He can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

  1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.
  2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option D: Information is duplicate/included in other displayed information

The Taxpayer can select this option in case the information displayed is already included in any other information or it may be a duplicate information. Taxpayer needs to select the duplicate Information and click on submit button.

After clicking on submit button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. He can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

  1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.
  2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Option E: Information is Denied

In case the Taxpayer wants to disagree with the Information displayed, Option E may be selected for submission of feedback response.

After clicking on Ok button, taxpayer can view the submitted response. Taxpayer can perform below mentioned activities on this screen.

  1. Taxpayer can click on “View Response” hyperlink to view the submitted response as displayed in screen below.
  2. Taxpayer can change the submitted response by clicking on the hyperlink “Change Response” as displayed in screen below.

By clicking on “View Response” option from the above screen, the Taxpayer can view the response submitted by him.

Procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal for High risk transaction

Certain transactions of the taxpayer reported in their ITR which have been found to be inconsistent with the information received from the third party for a specified Assessment Year are displayed to the taxpayer for feedback These are displayed in the form of Information Summary.

Below is the procedure to submit reply on Income e filing compliance portal:

Step 1: Go to and login to the portal using efiling USER ID and password

Step 2: Now under Compliance tab, Select “Compliance portal” option and click on Confirm button. It will redirect to compliance portal.

Step 3: Now Go to E- Campaign tab. Upon clicking e-Campaign on Compliance Portal landing page, below screen is displayed.

Taxpayer needs to click on Financial Year under High Value Transactions. The advisory message displays as provided in screen below. On clicking “OK” button, taxpayer can view information Summary. Upon clicking on “OK” button in above screen, following detail displays to the Taxpayer: –

A. Response Summary:

From this section taxpayer can download an acknowledgment in pdf format for the response submitted.
• Response Summary shall be generated only if taxpayer has submitted response for atleast one information. Summary pdf will display the submitted response along with other information with remarks, ex: ‘Response yet to be submitted’.
• In case taxpayer had submitted response for the same information twice, Response Summary shall contain response details with latest feedback date.

B) Information summary-

The information(s) are available for submission of response. To View details of the information, taxpayer needs to click on the “>” button to view information detail.

Step 4: Process of Information confirmation:

Upon clicking the “>” button, Taxpayer gets navigated to Information details. Taxpayer can submit the information in bulk on individual.

To submit the information in bulk Taxpayer needs to select multiple transactions at a time and also, he can select only two feedback options to submit the response in bulk: –

• Information is correct and
• Information is denied

To submit the Feedback on each transaction one by one user needs to follow below procedure: –
Taxpayer needs to click on “>” button to view the feedback options as visible in the screen below.

Note: – The feedback options are displayed on each Information detail. Taxpayer can select only one of the available options for submitting feedback.
A. Information is correct.
B. Information is not fully correct.
C. Information relates to other person/year.
D. Information is duplicate/included in other displayed information.
E. Information is denied.

The taxpayer may submit his feedback by clicking on any of the above aforesaid 5 options. The taxpayer can view the rationale of feedback option by clicking the “i” option on the screen as shown below.

Step 5: Confirmation and Submission

The procedure same mentioned at the time of filing for response of Significant transactions in this article.

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