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Can educational loan be denied because applicant’s parents have unsatisfactory credit scores?

Can an application for an educational loan be denied solely due to the fact that the applicant’s parents have unsatisfactory credit scores?

A credit report is a detailed breakdown of an individual’s credit history prepared by a credit bureau. Credit bureaus collect financial information about individuals and create credit reports based on that information, and lenders use the reports along with other details to determine loan applicant’s creditworthiness. A credit report is like a report card on how one manages their finances and gives a credit score based on their past credit history and behaviour. This report helps the lender to take a decision on granting of loan and also, on the rate of interest they should charge.

The grant or denial of a loan depends on various factors, one of which is the credit score of the applicant. However can an application for an educational loan be denied solely due to the fact that the applicant’s parents have unsatisfactory credit scores? A similar situation was addressed by the Kerala High Court in the case of Pranav v. Branch Manager SBI.

Facts of the Case:-

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Submission by Petitioner 

Submission by Respondent

Observations of High Court with reference to a previous similar case

Opinion of the High Court in the Current Case

Thus, an application for an educational loan cannot be denied solely due to the fact that the applicant’s parents have unsatisfactory credit scores as it was held by the Kerala High Court in the case of Pranav v. Branch Manager SBI.

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