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CBDT Introduces New AIS Functionality for Enhanced Transparency and Accuracy

CBDT Introduces New AIS Functionality for Enhanced Transparency and Accuracy

In a significant move towards improving taxpayer services and enhancing compliance, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has launched a new functionality within the Annual Information Statement (AIS). This latest development allows taxpayers to provide feedback on every transaction displayed, ensuring greater transparency and accuracy of the information reported.

Key Features of the New AIS Functionality

The new functionality is designed to empower taxpayers to verify and comment on the accuracy of the information presented in their AIS. This proactive approach allows taxpayers to address any discrepancies promptly and ensure their financial data is accurately reflected. The key features of this new system include:

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Benefits of the New Functionality

This new functionality aims to enhance the transparency of the tax filing process by providing taxpayers with a clear and accessible means of ensuring their reported information is accurate. It also reduces the likelihood of future discrepancies, which could lead to notices or penalties from the Income Tax Department.

Expert Opinion

Tax experts have lauded this initiative as a forward-thinking step towards modernizing the tax compliance framework. According to industry analysts, this move is likely to improve taxpayer trust and engagement with the tax authorities, as it provides a clear pathway for resolving issues and ensures accurate tax reporting.


The CBDT’s introduction of this new functionality in the AIS marks a significant advancement in taxpayer services. By enabling taxpayers to provide feedback and track the status of their corrections, the Income Tax Department is fostering a more transparent, efficient, and user-friendly tax compliance environment. Taxpayers are encouraged to utilize this new feature to ensure their AIS information is accurate, thereby avoiding potential discrepancies and ensuring smooth compliance.

This initiative underscores the Income Tax Department’s commitment to leveraging technology for improved taxpayer services and ease of compliance, setting a new standard for transparency and efficiency in tax administration.

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