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Govt planning to impose a Covid- 19 cess on high income in Budget 2021

Govt planning to impose a Covid- 19 cess on high income in Budget 2021

Govt planning to impose a Covid- 19 cess on high income in Budget 2021

Govt planning to impose a Covid- 19 cess on high income in Budget 2021


For the past 9-10 months the COVID 19 pandemic has forced India into a lockdown. Most of the countries  having small businesses which relied on physical availability of customers had the most hit. Small business revenues have plunged everywhere. The Government revenue has dropped significantly too. The government is considering a COVID cess or surcharge on high income earners to help increase revenue ahead of Budget 2021. A call on the new cess or surcharge is likely to be taken in the coming weeks.

Cess suggested to be collected due to fall in Government Revenue

Cess suggested to be collected due to rise in expenditure of COVID-19 vaccination

Who will the cess be imposed on?

A call on the new COVID cess will likely be taken closer to February 1, when the budget is scheduled to be announced. If the government implements the COVID cess, it will be the latest in line of measures to boost revenue at a time when it has implemented several policies that either reduce government collections or increase its spending’s.

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