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A liaison office which is only carrying on such activity of a “preparatory or auxiliary” character is not a PE – SC

A liaison office which is only carrying on such activity of a “preparatory or auxiliary” character is not a PE – SC

Double taxation is the levy of tax by two or more countries on the same income, asset or financial transaction. This double liability is mitigated in many ways, one of them being a tax treaty between the countries in question. A tax treaty between two or more countries to avoid taxing the same income twice is known as Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA). When a tax-payer resides in one country and earns income in another country, he is covered under DTAA, if those two countries have one in place.

If a person who is resident in India in any previous year, in respect of his income, accrued or arose outside India has paid tax on such income in any country outside India, he shall be entitled deduction from the Income Tax payable by him of a sum calculated on such doubly taxed income:

Relief allowed under section 90/ 91 is lower of following accounts:

Let us refer to the case of Union Of India vs UAE Exchange Centre (2020) (SC), where the main issue under consideration was whether a liaison office which is only carrying on such activity of a “preparatory or auxiliary” character is a Permanent Establishment in terms of Article 5 of the Double taxation Avoidance Agreement (chargeable to tax) or not.

Facts of the Case:

Proceedings of AAR

The Authority, vide its ruling answered the question in the affirmative, namely, “Income shall be deemed to accrue in India from the activity carried out by the liaison offices of the applicant in India.”

Following the ruling of AAR, the Department issued notices under Section 148. The Assessee, therefore, carried the matter before the High Court (HC) for quashing of the AAR ruling and quashing of reopening notices.

Proceedings of the HC

Issue before the SC

The core issue that had to be answered in this appeal was whether the stated activities of the respondent-assessee would qualify the expression of preparatory or auxiliary character?

However, in the present case, the matter in issue will have to be answered on the basis of the stipulations in DTAA notified in exercise of powers conferred under Section 90

Observations of SC on having a PE

Based on the findings recorded by the HC, SC proceeded on the basis that the Assessee had a fixed place of business through which the business of the Assessee was being wholly or partly carried on.

That, however, would not be conclusive until a further finding was recorded that the Assessee had a PE, in terms of Article 5, situated in India, so as to attract Article 7 dealing with business profits to become taxable in India, to the extent attributable to the PE of the Assessee in India.

SC observed that Article 5(3) of the DTAA opened with a non- obstante clause and also contained a deeming provision.

It stated that notwithstanding the preceding provisions of the concerned article, which would mean clauses 1 and 2 of article 5, it would still not be a PE, if any of the clauses in article 5(3) were applicable.

For that, the functional test regarding the activity in question would be essential.

SC observed that since Assessee argued that the activities of the liaison offices were of preparatory or auxiliary character, the same would fall within the excepted category under Article 5(3)(e) of the DTAA.

Resultantly, it could not be regarded as a PE within the sweep of Article 7 of DTAA.

Observations of the SC on the permission provided by the RBI

Observations of the SC on the tax liability of the Assessee

Dismissing the appeal of the revenue SC held that the activities carried on by the liaison office of the non-resident in India as permitted by the RBI, demonstrated that the liaison office must steer away from engaging in any primary business activity and in establishing business connection as such. It can carry on activities of preparatory or auxiliary nature only. A liaison office which is only carrying on such activity of a “preparatory or auxiliary” character was not a PE in terms of Article 5 of the DTAA. The deeming provisions in Sections 5 and 9 could thus have no bearing whatsoever.

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