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GST is leviable on Sale of TDR/FSI @ 18%

GST is leviable on Sale of TDR/FSI @ 18%

Transferable Development Rights or TDR can be considered as an important raw material in the real estate industry as it allows the developer to build over and above the permissible Floor Space Index (FSI) under the prevalent rules of the respective locations. Floor Space Index (FSI), also referred to as Floor Area Ratio (FAR), is the ratio of total floor area of a building (Built up area) to the total Plot area (land). This numeric value indicates the total amount of area (on all floors) you can build upon a plot.

When the Government undertakes compulsory acquisition of individual land parcels for creating infrastructural projects, it is required to compensate the land owners. The compensation provided by the Government is usually lower than the market rate, and hence they introduced the concept of Transferable Development Rights. These rights are obtained in the form of certificates, which the owner can use for himself or can trade in the market for cash. However, is GST applicable on the sale of TDR or is the same exempt by considering the transaction as sale of land/ immovable property?

Let us refer to the case of Vilas Chandanmal Gandhi (GST AAAR Maharashtra), to understand the same in detail.

Facts of the Case:

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Order of Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR)

Observations of the AAAR on the issue raised by the Appellant that the Sale of TDR/ Additional FSI does not amount to taxable supply

Observations of the AAAR on whether supply of “TDR” was supply of “service” or supply of “Goods”

Observations of AAAR on Taxability of TDR

Observations of AAAR on Appellant’s contention that the sale of TDR/FSI would not get covered under entry (iii) of the heading 9972 of the Notification No. 11/2017-C.T. (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 bearing the description “Real Estate Services”

In conclusion, sale of TDR/FSI would be leviable to GST under Heading 9972, at the rate of 18% (9% CGST + 9% SGST), as prescribed under the entry at SI. No. 16 (iii) of Notification No. 11/2017 – Central Tax (Rate), dated 28-06-2017.

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