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ED raids Bhushan Power Resolution Professional for illegally removing goods worth Rs 700 crore

ED raids Bhushan Power Resolution Professional for illegally removing goods worth Rs 700 crore

ED raids Bhushan Power Resolution Professional for illegally removing goods worth Rs 700 crore

ED raids Bhushan Power Resolution Professional for illegally removing goods worth Rs 700 crore

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided the Resolution Professional (RP) Mahender Kumar Khandelwal in the matter of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd (BPSL), for allegedly helping the former promoters of the company secretly clear finished goods for which he was paid in cash, according to a statement issued by the agency on August 20, 2020.

Directorate of Enforcement is a specialized financial investigation agency under the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, which enforces the following laws: – 

Insolvency Proceedings against Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd (BPSL)

ED raided the Resolution Professional in the matter of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd (BPSL)

Contention of ED in the Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd (BPSL) case

This move could delay the plans of JSW Steel to acquire scam riddled BPSL. 

Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) is a recovery mechanism for creditors. If a corporate becomes insolvent, a financial creditor, an operational creditor, or the corporate itself may initiate CIRP.

Excessively high fees, huge expenses and now serious allegations of embezzlement can destroy the entire concept of beneficial public interest and quick insolvency which was the initial agenda of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP).

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